The Party, which had a combination of members, friends & family, and Boccia Club members, went very well with Bingo sessions, run by Mr Social Secretary himself and benefitting enormously from the assistance of Ms Smiffffff, and a Quiz ably provided and narrated by our friendly builder/bowler, the one , the only KEVIN FARRELL.
There were some repeat winners in Bingo one in particular being Ladies Chairperson & 25th Anniversary organiser, Linda Hoare, who repeated her run of luck in 2014 by having 2 more wins.
The Quiz was won by the table (adjacent to that occupied by Kevin) headed by Ray Smith.
There were added attractions to keep the revellers amused in the form of a small table tennis table, a tiny snooker table, and a table skittles set. More time was spent at the latter attraction in resetting the skittles on the base than in actual play.
A New Year’s Eve Party wouldn’t be complete without our resident DJ, Mr Trevor Bishop, whose selection of music got almost everybody up dancing for a good part of the time. He even managed to extend Auld Lang Syne for such a long time most revellers were ready to drop. However they didn’t because the Conga came up next and was led all around the club (Not on the green, Mr President!) and included 2 wheelchair users in the chain.
The evening ended in the morning just before 1am and a good time was had by all.
Word has it that Mr Social Secretary will run another party but you may well have to wait another year for it. Look out for news in September for what may be a limited ticket run.
Some photos taken at the Party

Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021