2017 – Fun Matches


Many thanks to those members who turned out on Saturday 22/07/17 for an afternoon of different bowls, or to put it another way, if you want to confuse the older generation, then just put the club’s worst bowler in charge of an alternative afternoon of supposed “fun” bowls!  The 36 members who participated, (including some new members and thanks to Terry Marks who stood in at the last minute), played various forms of bowls, including; behind the jack to score bowls, target bowls, 2 jack bowls, boccia bowls and single wood bowls.  But come the end, the look of bewilderment and confusion on 36 faces was very evident to see.  Most were glad to get outside into the traditional summer weather, of pouring rain, to head home for a rest and to recover!  We knew the day was lost when even the glamourous and probably youngest present, Sue Smifffffffff, failed to understand the rules!

All that aside, there was plenty of noise, (aside from the moans), with most being generated by Dave Sutherland, (no change there then!), who had forgotten his hat today, so was most upset and Graham Hubbard, whose coiffured luxury locks keep many a shampoo manufacturer in business!  Best dressed of the day probably went to Mr Baldwin, (nice one Cyril!), whilst there are no prizes for guessing who turned up as best undressed of the day!  Somehow we managed to get some winners out of the day and this was the triple of Lesley Clark, Dave Sutherland and Carol Webster, with the runners up being the triple of John Bee, Jean Braithwaite and Sue Whittaker.  The normal raffle was also supplemented by a fruit raffle, where Maureen Osborne, led most of the talk, about the size and shape of the plums!  I think we will leave that one there!  The biggest thanks of the day go to Dorothy Elliott for doing the teas and snacks as well as kitchen duties, ably assisted by Gloria Smith.  Ta ever so ladies!  And nice to see Bryan Allen, (and his good lady Ann), pop in, looking like an extra from the just released film, “Dunkirk”, as he hobbled in, with his whole left leg bandaged up and a deep wound on his forehead!  But at least on the road to recovery and hopefully to be back bowling with us soon! 

Regardless of all of the above, nearly £200 was raised to go into the club’s coffers, which was an excellent result for a scheduled blank Sat in the Club’s calendar, so well done to you all!

Finally, all at PARIBC would like to wish a happy birthday to the big OLD man himself, David Clifford Hood, who turns 60 years old on Tuesday 25/07/17. Sadly we now have got to put up with him banging on every day from now on, moaning about how he will soon be 70 years old!

Kind regards – a very stressed organizer, (now off for counselling), who also hadn’t a clue as to what was supposed to be going on, on Sat!


Many thanks to those 30 members and 4 guests who turned out on Saturday 12/08/17 for an evening of various forms of bowls including behind the jack to score, target bowls, jack bowled last and single wood bowls, followed by a drink and a hot dog supper.  The comp. was won by the triple of Irene Ashby, Tom Billing and Dave Sutherland.  Thanks also to Lesley Clark for standing down and to Malcolm Clark and Dave Brown for standing in at the last minute.

The biggest thanks of the day go to Dot Elliott for doing the hog dogs and trimmings and teas / coffees and to Lesley Clark and Fran Sutherland who mucked in and helped with the cooking and washing up.  Well done ladies, a superb effort and all your hard work was very much appreciated by all.  Equally Sue Smith is owed a huge vote of thanks for the guess the number of sweets in a jar comp. and for baking a splendid chocolate cake, for the guess the weight of the cake comp.  The sweets comp. was won by Valerie Cook, whilst the cake comp. was won by Jim Green, so well done to them both.

All in all, the night raised just under £250 towards the clubs funds.  An excellent return for a scheduled blank Sat in the Club’s calendar, so well done to you all for yet again digging deep and supporting your Club.

Some Pics of the night courtesy of Smifffy

Sat 30/12/17 – Post Chrimbo triples fun day bash.

 All you want during the festive Chrimbo period is a lazy afternoon, where you can just relax with friends, have some food and drink and enjoy a leisurely bowl and don’t have to think too much.  Unfortunately, with the non bowling entity that is Mr Fletcher organizing the afternoon, then this was never going to happen!  After the initial 4 hour introduction to the rules, followed by the 45 minute question and answer session, the 16 teams of triples were eventually allowed to battle it out on the green.  Thankfully the “simple” rules weren’t that complicated and the afternoon of 18 ends was split into a round robin competition of 6 different sections of various bowls formats; normal bowls, behind the jack to score, target mat, no jacks, 2 jacks and single woods all counting.

 Hopefully, judging by the amount of noise and laughter that was heard all afternoon, then all who turned up enjoyed themselves, (eventually), with perhaps the loudest and most vocal triple, not surprisingly, being that of Danny Cox, John Lake and Kevin Farrell, so no change there then!  And by the way, how is that man Mr Farrell still allowed to be on the Kent trust – a – trader list?!  Special note and thanks goes to the all female triple of Mary Barnes, Sandi Lovelock and Viv Webb.  These 3 lovely ladies usually just roll up on a Saturday morning, but were coerced into playing, (probably against their better wishes, ho, hol), but seemed to enjoy it and even beat more established long standing bowlers on a couple of sections.  Now then ladies, next step is the weekend social matches, so get your names up!

 What was noticeable was that even the most accomplished of bowlers, be they County, National or even Potters champions, couldn’t hit a massive target mat, let alone bowl a jack in a straight and legal line, (so there might be hope for me yet!).  And despite the various formats, there was only one wrong bias all afternoon, but that was from the usual source, i.e. Dave Sutherland, so that new hat for Chrimbo, having no effect whatsoever!  But what was good to see, was that each of the 6 sections were won by 6 different teams

The overall winners of the afternoon were the triple of Vic and Madge Jordan and Glynis Whatman, as they won 5 of their 6 matches.  Not surprising really, when the 2 ladies in their team comprised Madge, the Cliffe BC ladies champion for the past 73 years and Glynis, now sporting a new hairstyle, so much so, that many thought it was not Glynis herself!  Apparently Vic was just in the team to give it some male balance, whilst being shouted at quite a bit by the ladies!  The runners up were the triple of Roy Baston, Jean Lacey and Christine Heward, (luckily for them, Roy remembered to bring Jean today!), who won 4, drew 1 and lost 1 match.  But it came down to countback on shot difference from the normal bowls section, as they pipped the triple of Arthur and Val Hart and Bob Louden, by just 1 shot!  Meanwhile the guess the weight of the cake was won by Rose Gibson and the guess the sweets in the tin was won by Dave Elliott.  Well done to all those who won in the fruit raffle, (who knew that Sonia Bignall likes a big spud?!) and all those who won in the wrapped raffle and finally, well done to Joe Major, who was the winner of the brand new car and it’s cash equivalent.

Huge thanks go to Dot and Dave Elliott, Lesley and Malcolm Clark, Sue Smith, (lovely pair of pumps!), Janet Small and Joy Cox, for all their hard work on the day, which ensured events off the green, progressed very smoothly and thanks also to all who brought along food and nibbles, much appreciated.  Also thanks to Lynette Stock and Jackie Spice for the use of a extra target mat.  However the biggest thanks goes to the 48 players, as well as Irene Ashby and Patrick O’Meara, who turned up, because no matter how much work and effort goes into organizing and sorting the day out, without people actually signing up to support the day, then these events are non starters.  Thus, on a day when the club would have otherwise been closed, it profited to the tune of about £200 and over £20 went onto the PARIBC 30th Birthday pot, a pot which a PARIBC member will win come 2019.

All the very best to one and all for the new Year – Up the Arthur!

Kind regards, your correspondent, spending the new year, like the old year, sitting under his leaking roof with a big bucket!


Now for some some pictures from the event. 

Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021