After last years one shot victory by the PARIBC President’s side, this years match, on Sat 22/04/17, was more one sided, as the PARIBC Captain’s side gained revenge, winning by 118 shots to 101 shots, to take the Life President’s Trophy, in this 6 rink match. Perhaps the Prez being forced to only watch, instead of play, due to a recent serious fall, (get well soon Jim, have you been to the Docs yet?!), might have been the difference? PARIBC Chairman Dave Elliott, kindly stood in to skip the Prez’s side. Rink scores below, (P = President’s teams first followed by, C = Captain’s teams scores):-

Rink 2
P – Barry Hart, Jean Lacey, Terry Marsh = 12
C – George Hattrill, Tim Fletcher, Dot Elliott = 32 (Top Capt’s rink)
Rink 3
P – Sue Whittaker, Maureen Osborne, Linda Hoare = 22
C – Margaret Jordan, Margaret Head, Eric Clive = 14
Rink 4
P – Lesley Clark, Jim Bowman, Babs Tomlin = 24 (Top Prez’z rink)
C – Irene Ashby, Ron Lawrenson, Carol Webster = 14
Rink 5
P – Val Hart, Arthur Hart, Dave Elliott = 15
C – Deidre Williams, Tony Jewell, Barry Tomlin = 19
Rink 6
P – Val Cook, Alan Head, Dave Hood = 13
C – Bryan Allen, Vic Jordan, Malcolm Clark = 20
P – Jim Green, Dave Sutherland, Pat O’Meara = 15
C – Guinness Whatman, Lynn Korff, Dave Cook = 19
The score on rink 2 does not reflect how close the match really was, with perhaps the constantly good play of skip, HRH Dorothy Elliott, the difference. New bowler Barry Hart, (the son of PARIBC stalwarts Val and Arthur Hart), had a fine game and has obviously listened to his mum more than his dad, in terms of learning how to play the game! Jean Lacey also had a very good game, easily out bowling her Oppo number 2, (whoever he was?!), but is too trusting a lady and perhaps more requests to “ask for a measure”, should be made when the heads are close? Far be it from me to say that the Oppo number 2 would try and cheat his way out of being the worst bowler in the club, ho, ho! Although it must be noted that for the second year running, said bowler, was on the top rink. Nuff said! The single male on rink 3 had our full sympathy, as he was with 5 of the Club’s esteemed female bowlers, (apparently I’m not allowed to say, he was with 5 lovely old girls!) and thus stood no chance of getting a word in, let alone getting a wood in! No wonder then that most noise was coming from this rink all afternoon! Rink 4 saw Babs Tomlin’s side emerge as the top Prez’s rink, with again the big shot difference not really reflecting how close the game was. The elite and class were out in force on the Prez / Capt’s rink 5, with the age, experience and beauty, (the latter is Val, not Arthur or Dave), succumbing but only just, to the nearly as old County stars and beauty, (the latter is Deidre and definitely not Tony or Barry!). Rink 6 saw the workplace pension monster, doing a lot of shouting and putting of hands in pockets, but still managing a smile, even after yet another defeat! Rink 7, saw the teams led by 2 men, (and I use that term very loosely!), who had battled it out on the golf course the previous Thurs. All we can say about their bowls, is that it is probably better for them to stick to golf! Finally it wouldn’t be a PARIBC match without a wrong bias or 3 and the named and shamed guilty triumvirate, who paid a 30p fine into the B/day fund for their crimes were Madge Jordan, Eric Clive and Pat O’Meara. Although, the latter, Mr O’Meara, made a swift exit at the end without paying, so still owes and the interest on the fine is mounting by the day! We think his hasty departure, was due to the blossoming bromance that was developing, all afternoon between him and Jim Bowman. The bowling equivalent of “Brokeback Mountain”, comes to PARIBC! Thanks to all who played and the 2 groupies, Shirley Arnold and Fran Sutherland, who supported the day, as the winter season was closed. Thanks to Nicola, Adrian and boys / girls in TV lounge / kitchenette for the superb food at the buffet and to Katie for doing the bar.
Kind regards, an admirer of industrial vacuum cleaners! No bobbling at Sevenoaks!
Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021