11th Annual Medway Mile
Many thanks to the following Prince Arthur members who came along to man the stand yesterday Friday 20th July at this prestigious event.
Mike & Deidre Williams
Pat Wells
Eric Clive
Gerry Knight
Wendy Draper
Trevor Bright and Christine Cowley
Trevor and Gill Hill
Lesley Clark
Cliff Armstrong
And thanks also to Eddy & Rose Negus of Borstal outdoor bowling club who came along to help promote bowling
We demonstrated both Bowls and Boccia and talked to many of the runners and spectators about these sports.
We gave out leaflets advertising the Prince Arthurs’s Open Days on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd September.
We can hope to see the results of these leaflets at the Open Days.
We all had a good, but tiring, time and saw a great firework display.
Malcolm Clark
Some pics from the day
Please note that due to GDPR some faces have been obscured.

Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021