Player Of The Season (Winter) – 2017 / 2018
This competition is based on the total of a players’ best 09 scores, (from all their scores), from all the club social matches they play during the winter season………it is not based on who has played the most matches.
Below we see, the presentation of the 2017 / 18 Player Of The Season (Winter) trophy. Club Captain Barry Tomlin, (centre), presents the Player Of The Season (Winter) trophy, the shield, to the winner Derrick Small who just pipped the runner up, Babs Tomlin, by 1 shot. Derrick, (who uses the same barber as the Club Captain!), said it was a proud day for him and to celebrate, he would be getting his good lady wife Janet, (a whiz with the needles and wool apparently!), to knit a cover to protect the shield from scratches, dust and dirt!
These 2 players also tied, as joint winners, in the shots difference competition, (based on the best 09 shots differences from all their scores), from all the club social matches they play during the winter season and this is the trophy that can be seen being held by Babs.
Congrats. to them both!

Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021