This trophy was donated by Jan and Ken Hilder & Judy and Bill Duncan, and presented to Dave Elliott the chairman of Prince Arthur Road IBC, and Julie Parker captain of Kent Police County Bowling Team, on Thursday 13 April 2017.
The circumstances of this donation is that on Wednesday 30 November 2016, retired Chief Superintendent Lewis (Lew) Hart died as result of an embolism, shortly after returning to the UK from a two week holiday in Cyprus. These tragic circumstances occurred both suddenly and unexpectedly as Lew had been in good health up to this point. The Hilders and the Duncans were privileged to share these last days and hours in company with Lew and his wife, Antoinette (Toni) on what had been a wonderful holiday.
Lew, who was a competitive bowler of some considerable experience was a member of Prince Arthur Road IBC and, as an ex- police officer, had frequently bowled for the Police County Team both indoor and out.
The members of PARIBC and the Police County Team have two friendly fixtures per year. With this in mind Lew’s friends, the Hilders and Duncans, – all members of the Maidstone District Police Bowling Club – sought the permission of the Board of Directors, for the donation of the trophy to be made and presented to highest winning team over an aggregate of both matches in Lew’s memory.
The trophy this year was won by PARIBC in a keenly fought contest. Dave Elliott said that he was proud on behalf of both teams to accept the trophy which would be a lasting tribute to Lew Hart, who was well liked and respected by all who came into contact with him.
Very many thanks to Bill Duncan for the above – Ed
Once again PARIBC chairman, Dave Elliott, is presented with the Lew Hart Memorial Trophy from the 2 games played against the Kent Police BC, in the winter 2017 / 18 season.

Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021