2019 – 30th Anniversary

A page dedicated to the “goings on” for the 4 day celebration.



The 4 day celebrations of the Club’s 30th Anniversary, took place last week and saw 3 matches played along with a “fun day” to boot.  With all matches oversubscribed, then the fairest way was to put all the names into the hat for each of the games and then hopefully all who signed up, got to play in at least 1 of the matches.  The match scores are shown below and with each day well supported, then a successful time was had.  The photos from the events should hopefully appear in the near future and thanks to Mick Smith and others who took the pics.  Against a very strong County side on the Thursday, although we lost, we did put in a very creditable performance.  On Friday against old friends, Kingfisher BC, we just about scraped over the line in a very close match and on Sun, we again triumphed, but only just, against the various mixed Kent club sides.  Although nice to win, the social side of the game was shown off to the full, in all 3 matches, with plenty of noise and good humoured banter, heard both on and around the green and after all, isn’t that what it is all about, regardless of if you have won or lost?  Or perhaps that is my rose tinted glasses beginning to mist up?!

The various other, off the green, non – bowling competitions were relatively well supported with perhaps Julia Edwards and Heather Allan being the biggest winners financially, thanks to their, “Oh I have no idea”, lucky guesses in the money tubs competitions  The Anniversary raffle was very profitable for the Club and the efforts of raffle guru, Dorothy Elliott, her helpers and their various selling techniques, cannot be underestimated.  We thank the various outside firms and those members, who so generously donated prizes for the raffle.  The mixed triples competition on Thursday morning, featuring 8 teams, was won by the team of Peter Edwards, Sandra Shepherd and Mick Smith who did very well, considering they lost the first end of the competition, 5 – 0.  The evening Last Person Standing competition was won by Patrick O’Meara who beat Madge Head and although only 10 people turned up, it was very pleasing to see that half of these were new members.  The Friday night quiz was yet again a resounding and overwhelming success, thanks to the efforts of the two organizers and hosts, Kevin Farrell and John Lake, the “Peters and Lee” of PARIBC and surely the entry fee alone is worth it, just to hear them murder many a popular tune during the music round!  Thanks are due to Kingfisher BC, who after playing against us in the afternoon match, stayed for the quiz, to help add to our numbers and also thanks and a special mention to the Club’s regular cleaner, John Carr, who came in early on the Saturday morning to clear up after the Friday night activities.  The Saturday “fun day” saw 56 members turn out for a tea and biccies event of 20 ends of mixed types of bowling, that yet again showed how easy it is to confuse many a man and woman!  This was a casual dress day and the star of the show in that respect, was Joe Major in his new “extinction rebellion”, onesie outfit and he has asked if he can wear it at the next KML game?!  As is prevalent in schools these days, there were no losers and everybody was a winner and the amount of various fruits given out as prizes, meant that all the members vitamin C requirements were met and enhanced, whilst Tesco and the Kent farmers had their profits boosted!  The celebration meal on Sunday was superb and huge thanks goes to Nicola, Adrian and the girls in the kitchen, for the lovely food provided for the 3 course meal, with the prawn cocktail starter almost being a full 3 course meal in itself.  Nicola and her staff, must also be applauded for their efforts over the whole of the 4 days, as their usual, excellent food, was praised by both home and away teams and the efforts of the bar staff, Pam Fincher, Katie Hilder and Dan Smith must equally be recognized as they too worked just as hard during the 4 days.  Finally thanks must go to all the members who supported the 4 days in one way or the other, thank you very much for your support.  And with that, the celebrations were over, but no worries, as the planning for the 40th Anniversary celebrations, have already begun and Mr Fletcher will be chasing you for your money real soon!

The 4 days didn’t just happen, (as most people seem to think they did!), as their preparation has been nearly 2 years in the planning.  A committee led by Linda Hoare, with Dot Elliott, Sue Smith, Glynis Whatman, Dave Hood and with a little help, but probably a lot more hindrance, from a certain Timothy Fletcher, were the hard workers behind the scenes, to ensure the celebrations were the success they were.  There were plenty of tears, arguments and tantrums, (and that was just Mr Fletcher!), but their efforts, their hard work, as well as a hell of a lot of their own time, that they put in, was rewarded by a very successful and hopefully, well received, 4 days.  They didn’t get it right all the time and accept there was the odd mistake or three, but on the whole without this “team’s” efforts, ably supported by Dave Elliott throughout all of the actual 4 days, then the celebrations would not have been the success they were.  I know some in the club were against the idea of a 30th Anniversary and whilst they are fully entitled to their opinions, as we all are, I personally think the end justified the means and all in all, showed off the Club in a very good light and showed that whilst we may never be the most successful Club in Kent, we can be seen to be one of the friendliest, sociable and welcoming as well as providing an enjoyable place to play bowls………oops there goes those rose tinted specs again!

Kind regards, your correspondent, now receiving therapy in a darkened room for the next 3 months or so, as he tries to recover from the stress of it all.  Pineapple anybody?!


There now follows the reports on the individual day’s activities


Round Robin Triples Competition – Thursday 07/11/19

The mixed triples competition on Thursday morning, featuring 8 teams, was won by the team of
Peter Edwards, Sandra Shepherd and Mick Smith who did very well,
considering they lost the first end of the competition, 5 – 0.


PARIBC  142 v Kent County IBA 181 – Thursday 07/11/19

On Thursday 07/11/19, PARIBC lost to a mixed representative team from KCIBA by 39 shots,
(142 – 181), in an 8 mixed rinks social home meal match.

Rink 1 = Gill Hill, Dave Sutherland, Fran Hammell, Sylvia Leigh = WON 26 – 21
Rink 2 = Pat Gunn, Trevor Bucklee, Dave Cook, Dot Elliott = LOST 10 – 29
Rink 3 = Deidre Williams, Dave Elliott, Eric Clive, Linda Hoare = LOST 14 – 24
Rink 4 = Pat Carr, Pam Witham, Ray Denniss, Jim Coleman = WON 18 – 08 (Top PARIBC rink)
Rink 5 = Christine Heward, Harry Martin, Patricia Wells, Mick Day = LOST 10 – 30
Rink 6 = Val Cook, Jeanette Mackins, Trevor Hill, Derek Abbott = LOST 14 – 27
Rink 7 = Mick Fisher, Sue Moreton, Sylvia Day, Kevin Edwards = DREW 28 – 28
Rink 8 = Glynis Whatman, Chris Davis, Ben Holland, Jenny Abbott = WON 22 – 14

Thanks to Nicola, Adrian, Becks and girls for the meal and kitchen duties and Pam Fincher and Dan Smith who did the bar.


Last Person Standing Competition – Thursday 07/11/19

The evening Last Person Standing competition was won by Patrick O’Meara
who beat Madge Head and although only 10 people turned up,
it was very pleasing to see that half of these were new members. 

Last Person standing runner up, Margaret Head and winner, Patrick O’Meara.


PARIBC 104 v Kingfisher BC  93 – Friday 08/11/19

On Friday 08/11/19, PARIBC beat Kingfisher BC by 11 shots, (104 – 93), in a 6 mixed triples social home meal match.

Rink 2 = Dave Adams, Phil Cook, Sonia Bignell = LOST 13 – 14
Rink 3 = Pat Carr, Mike Carr, Linda Hoare = WON 21 – 14 (Top PARIBC rink)
Rink 4 = Sue Whitaker, Dave Green, Vic Jordan = LOST 13 – 21
Rink 5 = Val Green, Tim Fletcher, Kevin Edwards = WON 18 – 14
Rink 6 = Glynis Whatman, Derrick Small, Dennis Booth = WON 18 – 14
Rink 7 = Margaret Jordan, Maureen Osborne, Dave Sutherland = WON 21 – 16

Thanks to new member, Phil Stradling, who stepped in at the very last minute to play for the Oppo
when they were one short on the day. 

Thanks to Nicola, Adrian and Becks for the meal and kitchen duties and Pam Fincher and Dan Smith, who did the bar.


Bingo &: Quiz Night – Friday 08/11/19

The Friday night quiz was yet again a resounding and overwhelming success, thanks to the efforts of the two organizers and hosts, Kevin Farrell and John Lake, the “Peters and Lee” of PARIBC and surely the entry fee alone is worth it, just to hear them murder many a popular tune during the music round!  Thanks are due to Kingfisher BC, who after playing against us in the afternoon match, stayed for the quiz, to help add to our numbers and also thanks and a special mention to the Club’s regular cleaner, John Carr, who came in early on the Saturday morning to clear up after the Friday night activities.


Boccia goes Bowling – Saturday 09/11/19

This special Boccia session was open to all in Teams of 2.  There were 4 rinks comprising: 

  • The Wedge
  • The Target
  • New Age Bowls
  • Junior Bowls

Each Team had the opportuniity to play on each of the rinks and their scores were recorded so that the Team with the
highest difference between Points For and Points Against could win that Rink, just like Bowling in Indoor Bowls Leagues.

There were 10 Teams entered comprised of Boccia and PARIBC members.

The Winners of each Rink were:

The Wedge                                    Lesley Clark and Clive Liston

The Target                                      Linda Trott and Maureen Osborne

New Age Bowls                           Margaret and Allan Head

Junior Bowls                                 Owen Porter and Doug Taylor

Overall Winners                           Linda Trott and Maureen Osborne

Each of the winners chose one of the small prizes on offer.

We have just 2 photos at the moment from the event and would welcome more!

Katie Hilder gave here support, as you can see below:


Fun Day – Saturday 09/11/19

The Saturday “fun day” saw 56 members turn out for a tea and biccies event of 20 ends of mixed types of bowling, that yet again showed how easy it is to confuse many a man and woman!  This was a casual dress day and the star of the show in that respect, was Joe Major in his new “extinction rebellion”, onesie outfit and he has asked if he can wear it at the next KML game?!  As is prevalent in schools these days, there were no losers and everybody was a winner and the amount of various fruits given out as prizes, meant that all the members vitamin C requirements were met and enhanced, whilst Tesco and the Kent farmers had their profits boosted! 


PARIBC 156 v Various Kent Clubs 139 – Sunday 10/11/19

On Sunday 10/11/19, PARIBC beat various Kent clubs by 17 shots, (156 – 139), in an 8 mixed rinks social home meal match.

Rink 1 = Pat Gunn, Jeanette Mackins, Dave Elliott, Mick Smith = WON 23 – 12 v Civil Service BC

Rink 2 = Peter Edwards, Glynis Whatman, Sue Whitaker, Jim Coleman = WON 16 – 14 v Sturdee BC

Rink 3 = Christine Heward, John Langley, Derrick Small, Linda Hoare = LOST 14 – 25 v Oyster IBC

Rink 4 = Lynette Stock, Jim Masters, Barry Bushell, Margaret Head = LOST 11 – 35 v Mote Park IBC

Rink 5 = Phil Cook, Gerry Knight, Rose Gibson, Dot Elliott = WON 13 – 14 v Kent Police BC

Rink 6 = Deidre Williams, Irene Ashby, Roy Baston, Malcolm Clark = LOST 18 – 24 v Swale IBC

Rink 7 = Doreen Langley, Jean Lacey, Tom Heward, Kevin Edwards = WON 25 – 08 v Cliffe BC

Rink 8 = Val Hart, Margaret King, Eric Clive, Dave Sutherland = WON 26 – 07 v Queenborough BC (Top PARIBC rink)

Thanks to reserves, Lesley Clark and Arthur Hart, with the latter helping out and playing half the game with President Jim Masters. Thanks to Nicola, Adrian, Becks and girls for the meal and kitchen duties and Katie Hilder who did the bar.

Kind regards from your correspondent, already planning for the 40th Anniversary celebrations.


TUBS OF MONEY competition

Many congratulations to the two winners (shown above) Julia Edwards and Heather Allan.  The total amount of money contained in all three tubs combined was  = £505.76 and the total amount of coins contained in all three tubs combined was = 11, 996.  As such, half the money, (£250.00), went to the Club and the other half, (£250.00), was split between the two winners, each receiving £125.00.  Money range guesses were from £30.00 – £5000.00, whilst coins range guesses were from 196 – 15,000.  There were 120 entries, at 50p a go for 2 guesses, which means another £60 to go into the PARIBC coffers.  It really was a case of 2p or not 2p, for Julia, who was closest to the total amount of money in the three tubs, with her guess of £500.02, as she beat the 3 other people who guessed only £500.00!  Heather Allan, was closest to the total amount of coins in the three tubs, with her guess of 12,800 coins and it was notable, that her other guess was close as well, being, 11,100 coins and including the winner, there were only 6 guesses for the total amount of coins being in the tens of thousands.  And in case you wondered, the odd £5.76, left over from the £500.00, didn’t go into my back pocket, but has been put away, to start off the tubs of money competition for the 40th Anniversary!



The Prizes were
1st  £30.00;
2nd  Bottle of wine;
3rd  Tin of biscuits;
4th  Scratch Card;
5th  Mini single Chrimbo pud.

DAY  THURSDAY: DATE  07/11/19.

1st = Nicola Taylor; 2nd = Dave Bushell; 3rd = Mark Draper; 4th = Madge Head; 5th = Gloria Smith.

DAY = FRIDAY: DATE = 08/11/19.

1st = Alex Routen; 2nd = Allan Buchan; 3rd = Fred Linger; 4th = Jenny Abbott; 5th = Tom Heward.


1st = Tony Dean; 2nd = Jackie Reynolds; 3rd = Gloria Smith; 4th = Peter Edwards; 5th = Anne Lawrence.

DAY = SATURDAY (EXTRA DRAW 01):- DATE = 09/11/19.

1st = Dave Hood; 2nd = Kevin Farrell; 3rd = Bernie Mercer; 4th = Timothy Fletcher; 5th = Maureen Osborne.

DAY = SATURDAY (EXTRA DRAW 02): DATE = 09/11/19.

1st = Jean Gosling; 2nd = Dot Elliott; 3rd = John Sheepwash; 4th = John Lake; 5th = Sheila Gutteridge;

DAY = SUNDAY: DATE = 10/11/19.

1st = Brian Palmer; 2nd = Madge Jordan; 3rd = Jean Lacey; 4th = Patricia Wells; 5th = Robin Glover.


WHOSE BABY? competition

Congratulations to Margaret Jordan, who won the “Whose baby?”, competition, that proved very difficult for a lot of people to spot, who was who.  Madge managed to guess correctly 17, out of the 26 pictures and waltzed off into the sunset with her bottle of wine, that was apparently consumed in one sitting!



The tickets were drawn on Saturday 9th November.  Please check the table with the prizes for your name and/or number.

Congratulations if you have won.  Please advise the counter before taking your prize(s).

Donation Prizes had been received from the following companies who have our many thanks:-


Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021