PARIBC Presidents team = 111 – v PARIBC Captain’s team = 108
On Sat 30/03/19, in the annual PARIBC President Match, the PARIBC President’s team beat the PARIBC Captain’s team by 03 shots, (111 – 108), in a 7 mixed triples social meal match and the scores on the door were as follows, with the President’s teams, (home), shown first:-
Rink 1 = Val Green, Dave Stock, Lynette Stock LOST to Glynis Whatman, Dave Green, Margaret Head = 12 – 15.
Rink 2 = Alan Head, Vic Jordan, Dave Hood BEAT Viv Brightman, Dave Bushell, Derrick Small = 15 – 13.
Rink 3 = Sue Smith, Norman Bushell, Kevin Farrell BEAT Marc Carr, Mike Charles, Linda Hoare = 25 – 12 (Top President’s rink).
Rink 4 = Lesley Clark, Maureen Osborne, Mick Smith BEAT Margaret Jordan, Katie Hilder, Dave Sutherland = 25 – 13
Rink 5 = Gwyneth Charles, George Hattrill, Graham Hubbard LOST to Frank Landon, Heather Allen, Dave Cook = 13 – 16
Rink 6 = Peter Edwards, Fred Linger, Eric Clive LOST to Dave Clare, Sonia Bignall, Jim Coleman = 09 – 24 (Top Captain’s rink)
Rink 7 = Lynn Korff, Tim Fletcher, Brian Rance LOST to Val Cook, Dave Brown, Gerry Knight = 12 – 15

With some late in the day cry offs, due to very unforeseen circumstances, then we were indebted to Kevin Farrell, Sonia Bignall and Katie Hilder for coming in at very short notice, to ensure that we had a full complement of players for the match. Also, with no actual President on site, a new one was hastily needed.
Following an emergency extra ordinary annual general meeting of all the directors, using video conferencing, (the Chairman, linking in from A&E at Medway Hospital), a new President was duly elected and sworn in and what a fine choice they made, as Mr Timothy Fletcher Esq., was made the new PARIBC President and he promised all present, that they and PARIBC, could look forward to a bright future for the next 70 years of his tenure in office! There then followed an afternoon of nip and tuck bowls, with the overall score never really fluctuating much between a shot or two, between the two sides and thanks to summer captain Erica Clive and his team picking up 3 shots on the last end of their rink defeat, then the new President’s reign began with a victory, all be it a very close and hard fought one.

On rink 1, the soon to be Kent County IBA Ladies President, (a huge honour for both her and PARIBC), Lynette Stock, was keeping it in the family, by playing alongside hubby Dave for the first time, (he’s normally out on the golf course!), but lost out to perhaps this season’s best social match player, Madge Head and her team. On rink 2, The Beast, Dave Hood, was carried to the narrowest of victories by his two team mates. Although his Oppo skip, Derrick Small, perhaps had his thoughts on next weekend’s comp. finals and what time on the Sat night he would have to be picking up his wife and the new Prez, after their night at the Maidstone music festival. Ten thirty p.m., outside Maidstone East rail station, will be fine Derrick, thanks very much! The most vocal rink, was rink 3, which had, yes you guessed it, the ever youthful, men’s captain, Kevin Farrell as the home skip. His team carried him to a good win over the Club Captain, but the main talking point on this rink was the request for a certain couple on this rink to cover up their over sun tanned bodies, as the glare and shine, from their glowing skin was getting in the eyes of a lot of bowlers. At their age they should know better. Put some clothes on! On rink 4, electronics wizard, Mick Smith, (thanks are due to him for changing positions to play as skip due to the late changes), could not contain his excitement, at seeing all the new air con electrical panels and switch boxes, that have been delivered to the club alongside rink 1, in readiness for their installation in a couple of weeks. So much so, that he left the game to run itself on his rink in the safe hands of Oppo skip, Jock Sutherland and the 4 ladies, whilst he undid every box and wired up the panels and got the system working. With wires, switches and plugs everywhere, he was in his element, (note the electric joke there!)! Also on this rink, late stand in Kate Hilder, had her mind elsewhere as her thoughts turned to choirs, dancing, babies and the male of the species and the possible opportunity of having a man drop her off in his car, right outside the door, from car to pavement to club in one step! Don’t even ask! Rink 5 saw the mass of hair lose out to the mass of nuts, as Old Mother Hubbard and his team, succumbed to Squirrel Cook’s team, in another close game. And we reckon that if, “Helen” Allan also playing on this rink, were to take her bowls measure, bowls chalk, mobile phone, purse, diary, make up, hair brush, sweets, sandwiches and fizzy drink, out of her trousers before she bowls, this would make her bowling action more clean in the delivery, rather than catching on the above items? Rink 6 saw “Ted” Linger keep up his record of bowling wrong biases, with another 2 today, which means that he has contributed to the Club’s 30th Birthday fund about 73 times this season, (Dave Green also did a wrong bias on rink 1 today as well). Also good to see something that we haven’t seen a lot of this season, namely “Mrs B”, (Sonia), in her normal bent over and prone, position, as she was the one doing all the measuring. Dave Clare also let drop, (about 40 times), that it was his birthday on the Sunday, so we wished him a happy 90th birthday, one day early, but he didn’t seem happy with this? Can’t think why? And speaking of birthday’s, on rink 7, we understand that Lynn Korff, (good luck up at York in the forthcoming Civil Service comps. finals), will soon be celebrating a big Birthday in a couple of weeks, not quite as old as Mr Clare, but getting there, apparently! The Oppo of Val Cook, Dave Brown and Gerry Knight bowled very well all afternoon on this rink and skip “Brucie” Rance, could have saved on the hair dye for his upcoming TV role, as he was getting no help from the new Prez at number 2 and this was turning his hair grey!
All of the above rubbish aside, this was a very competitive, yet very friendly afternoon, played out in a very social atmosphere, as it should be, proving on days like today, there is no better place to be when the good natured joshing, humour and banter, (along with the woods), is flowing from end to end! So huge thanks to all who supported the afternoon and got involved. At the fine post match meal, pictures were taken and the trophy was handed over to the new Prez and this now takes pride of place in his own trophy room at home! So a nice gesture by the club to mark his inauguration! Thanks to Nicola, Adrian, (top champion golfer!) and boys / girls in the kitchen for the food. With Katie now playing, then we must also thank Sue Smith, Malcolm Clark and the “OGC”, (Old Girls Collective), namely Janet Small, Gloria Smith, Fran Sutherland and Julia Edwards, for helping her with the bar and drinks. But as before, with said ladies of the “OGC” unable to reach the top shelf to take down the pint glasses, then the beer and lager was being served in wine glasses, so with approx.. 8 wine glasses to a pint, then there was a lot of washing up to be done! Perhaps the lowering of the top shelf can be another job done, whilst the club is closed later this month? And thanks to “Morag” Sutherland for the lovely bit of chocolate cake, very nice!
Kind regards, your correspondent, THE PREZ!
Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021