Sunday 09/01/22
“Trev’s Match”, the annual memorial match in memory of Trevor Bishop, was back in its usual January slot, for its sixth time of playing and played on Sunday 09/01/22, with an outstanding and excellent turnout of 64 players, meaning all rinks were filled with “rinks play”, (this is the first time we have had all 8 rinks filled at the Club, for any match, for “rinks play”, since the Club’s 30th birthday celebrations, back in 2019). We also had 8 guests, supporting the afternoon, to add to what was the usual very social, fun filled and noisy event. In the current climate, all Covid protocols, mask wearing and social distancing measures were adhered too, to ensure that all felt and remained, as “safe”, as could be. I think Trevor would have approved of how the afternoon went! As such, the “home team, beat the “away”, by the smallest of margins, just 02 shots, 417 – 415 and top rink, was the home rink side on rink 2, namely Dave Randall, Anne Green, Bob Blood and Kevin Farrell, with not a dropped hot shot in sight! The scores on the doors were as follows:-
RINK 1 = Maurice Williams, Patricia Martin, Gill Hill, Patrick O’Meara, beat Viv Brightman, Bill Duncan, John Langley, Brian Rance = 63 – 43.
RINK 2 = Dave Randall, Ann Green, Bob Blood, Kevin Farrell, beat Dave Clare, Peter Edwards, Heather Allan, Lynn Korff = 68 – 41
RINK 3 = Mike R Smith, Linda Barnett, Brian Viney, Mick Day, lost to Judy Duncan, Keith Martin, Phil Cook, Margaret Head = 52 – 54
RINK 4 = Sue Smith, Dave Elliott, Marc Carr, Dot Elliott, lost to Val Cook, Dave Sutherland, Dave Cook, Eric Clive = 43 – 57.
RINK 5 = Christine Heward, Jean Lacey, Tom Heward, Roy Baston, lost to Lina Foster, Dave Adams, Derrick Small, Mick T Smith = 47 – 61
RINK 6 = Doreen Langley, Peter Green, Margaret King, John Hunt, lost to Glynis Whatman, Trevor Hill, Janice Hatcher, Alex Hanley = 41 – 61
RINK 7 = Nadine Broom, Frank Landon, Colin Cannon, Norman Bushell lost to Diane Horsington, Pam Fincher, Dave Bushell, Damian Broom = 46 – 48
RINK 8 = Colin Briggs, Tim Fletcher, Maureen Osborne, John Lake beat Irene Ashby, Rosemary Longley, Fred Linger, Allan Buchan = 57 – 50
When Trevor Bishop was alive, he was very much a Club man at heart and putting the Club first was high on his agenda, with matters both on and perhaps even more so, off the green. As such, his good lady, Sue Smith, said she wanted something that would reflect this and felt it appropriate that there be a trophy to recognise and reward the contribution of a person and / or persons, for their hard work and efforts in ensuring that the Club continues to thrive and prosper, both on and off the green. Thus the “Trevor Bishop Memorial Trophy”, is an annual award for the Club member(s) of the year. Each year’s recipient(s), to be decided by Sue and the Directors, (taking into account the views of the members) and the winner and / or winners name(s), will be engraved on the trophy for posterity. It may mean that the same person and / or persons, “win” the trophy for years in a row, which is not a problem, but equally it is not to be seen as, “something to be awarded, just because we have another trophy to give away”! As per usual, Sue felt that Trev would be looking down, laughing along with all those at the match that had just gone and wondering what all the fuss was about, but be very proud that the members were continuing to support and push the Club forward in the right direction. Perhaps even more relevant, following last week’s EGM that was held, to discuss the way forward for the Club, after these difficult last two years and also ideas about “securing the Club’s future”.
The presentation of the trophy was actually done at the aforementioned EGM, as this year’s recipient could not make the match on the Sunday. Before this year’s winner was announced, a few people were mentioned in dispatches, for the hard work and effort, they had put in, behind the scenes, which had benefitted the Club greatly, with all efforts, no matter how big or small, very much appreciated by the Club as a whole. This year’s fully deserved winner was Alex Routen, (see attached 2 pics of the presentation and 3 pics of the day itself), for his non – stop hard work, in ensuring, in the absence of the Club not having a designated maintenance manager, that all matters, “maintenance wise”, (both internal and external), were met and fulfilled. Now this can be from the smallest jobs, such as fixing leaking taps, through the external drains clearance and cutting back of the vegetation. If there is a job required, then, as soon as he knows about it, he is on the case. And if he can’t fix it, then a temp repair can be made. All of this “unseen” work, saves the Club a lot of money and also ensures that the club can continue to function. As with other previous recipients of this trophy, Alex accepted it in his own, very modest way, citing that he felt he didn’t deserve to be rewarded, just for doing the odd job here and there, but thanked all those present, for their kind recognition.
Prior to the march, the usual event of, “how to confuse a mass of people, in a short space of time”, was held, as 64 top quality bowlers tried to get a wood and jack on to a target mat. Skip Mick Day and his home team, from rink 4, managed a top score of 7 and won took the prize of the mini Easter eggs…well it will soon be Easter and then Chrimbo is only around the corner! The “guess the total shots scored on the day”, proved far too taxing for all, as they tried to work out a reasonable total. Winner of this was Christine Heward, being only 13 shots out, from the final total of 832 shots scored, so well done to her. The prize, should assist with future workings out, in other areas, being a tin of prunes and a tin of beans! The post – match raffle organised by Sue Smith and Dot Elliott, ably assisted by Marc Carr and Dave Elliot, raised a whopping £390.000, to be split between the Club’s coffers and the Prostate Cancer charity, so thank you all for buying tickets and supporting this. Check with the main office, re – prizes if you bought a ticket. Sue Smith then thanked all those who turned out and played and supported and also thanked all those who gave raffle prizes and bought tickets. She really does appreciate the efforts that all the people go to, in support of this day, in making it a special one, in remembrance of Trevor. Thanks to President Jim Masters for his presence during the whole afternoon, along with the 8 lovely lady guests and huge thanks to Gemma and girls for the lovely meal and for coping with their biggest one off event, to date, at the Club and to Katie Hilder for doing the bar.
Kind regards, a man now going back to the simpler format of just one wood and just one jack, as an idea that the masses can get to grips with!

Page Last Updated on 7th Mar 2022