Despite the usual problem of no shows / non arrivals,…who knew?, (certainly not us!), we managed to get 52 bodies on site and cobble an afternoon together, involving six rinks of triples, with 04 woods each and two rinks of rinks, with 03 woods each, thus meaning all teams had the same number of woods across the board, to make it fair to all. What then followed, was the usual mix of confusion, bewilderment and non – understanding, (i.e. par for the course when we have a “fun day”!), as a combination of “not your usual type” of bowls was played across all 8 rinks. This involved, ditch side only bowling, wrong hand bowling, target mat bowling, oppo woods bowling and behind the jack to score bowling. Suffice to say, as soon as you go away from the norm of mat on the T, jack on the T, off you go and bowl, then it is a case of “what the, (insert expletive!), is going on”? But no worries, some got it and some didn’t, but all seemed to muck in, (or was it muck up?!), with it and a very social, noisy and fun afternoon, panned out. Well done to Ray Ecclestone, Margaret Head and Maureen Osborne, who ran out overall winners, (enjoy your fresh strawberries!), closely beating a very svelte Marr Carr, John Mollins, Carol Rose and Derrick Small. We won’t mention that in last place were the triple of Val Hart, Colin Medhurst and Austin Rogerson! Before the match, there was a tombola stall manned by Marc Carr, which saw Derrick Small win enough prunes and chickpeas to certainly keep him regular till Christmas and beyond, whilst a multitasking Janet Small, manned the stall where you could win a basket of sweets and also a basket of fruit and the winner of both baskets, with 2 different tickets, was Rosemary Longley, who was off to buy a ticket for tonight’s National Lottery! Meanwhile, Soozie Moreton’s homemade card stall was attracting interest, from many of the female members, whilst The Prez, selling tickets for the main summer raffle draw, was also doing a seemingly roaring trade. In the tea time raffle, the main winners were Alan & Carol Rose and Carol & Bob Blood. And speaking of the latter, it was a surprise that with today’s event being casual dress, Bob came dressed in normal civvies, as we expected him to come dressed as a strawberry, at the very least! Other fruits were available! So financially, when a rough tot up was done, of all the income today, it transpired that nearly £900.00 had been made, to add to the Club’s coffers, so what a superb result for the Club. Thus huge thanks are due to the 52 players who attended for the afternoon of mayhem on the green, but the biggest thanks go to the following for all their hard work and the effort they put in, to make the day such a success…Thanks to Dot Elliott, Sonia Bignell, Janet Small, Sue Smith and Dave Elliott for doing the cream teas and all the washing up! To Marc Carr, Dave Elliott, Janet Small and Soozie Moreton for their work on the stalls and to Sue Smith and Joanne Green for doing the bar. Please see the attached pics below, (kindly taken by Sue Smith), for an overview of the afternoon.

Page Last Updated on 22nd Jul 2024