On Sat 08/06/24, the Club celebrated the 80th Anniversary of D – Day, with an afternoon of social bowls. And like the actual day itself, despite months of pre – planning, last minute hiccups and glitches on the day, meant it didn’t run as smoothly as hoped, but with all mucking in, we got there in the end! A red, white and blue theme to the day, meant we had a good turnout, of many a colourful character, notably Bob Blood and his infamous Union Jack suit, (see pics below) and a few who said they were wearing the relevant coloured underwear, to comply and were taken at their word, as full body searches were resisted! There was also emphasis on the letter “D”, so much so, that the first 9 ends of bowls, was “Double jacks”, i.e. when 2 jacks, both counting, were in play and the second half of the afternoon, was 9 ends of “a Displaced jack”, i.e. you bowled to where the jack finished after being cast, not centred. Now as is the case at all of the social days we run, whenever, we go off the usual norm, that people are so used to, (i.e. cast the jack, bowl to the jack, have a cuppa, go home!) and play something different, it causes confusion, consternation and mayhem all round. Maybe it is an age thing, ho, ho?! Today was no exception and plenty were left scratching their heads, (and in some cases, other body parts!), whilst trying to get to grips with how it all worked and still not understood it, by going home time. Oh well, carry on leading the horse! Winners of the first half were the triple of Colin Medhurst, Sue Smith and Dave Cook, whilst the winners of the second half were Doug Whiteoak, Kevin Mooney and Bob Blood. Enjoy your vitamin D enhanced prizes folks! Overall winners on the day were this latter team, so well done to Bob and his merry men, whilst Dave’s team finished as runners up. As is common, we have to highlight, that strongest of teams, i.e. the one in last place, holding the rest of the league up and today, this dubious, “lemony” honour, went to the triple of Mike R Smith, Maureen Osborne and Soozie Morton, but still with huge smiles on their faces come the end. The pre match spider was won by Val Green, with Austin Rogerson the runner up, both bowling better with the wrong hand, than they do normally! The half time raffle also centred on prizes beginning with the letter “D” and yes, it was noted that there were a lot of household cleaning products, that start with this letter, but hey, at least there are going be some even cleaner houses in the Medway area now! And well done to Val Cook on winning the spam, which will put a spring in hubby Dave’s step, regardless of whoever’s shoes he is wearing! Thanks to Deidre Williams, Patricia Wells, Bob Louden and Lesley Homewood who played pairs for the afternoon and even more so to Lesley, who contributed a fair amount of dosh to the fines pot, in wrong biases bowled, along with usual suspects, Dave Sutherland and Elaine Beard! On a serious note, Janet, (Dean), hope all went at the hospital.
So, (possibly bowls aside), another successful day at and for, the Club, thanks to the superb turnout of 55 people, (46 bowlers and 9 guests) and as we always say, these events can be planned to the nth degree, but that means nothing, if people don’t support them. Equally the real heroes are the ones who do all the work behind the scenes, namely the unstinting work of Dot and Dave Elliott in the kitchen with the food and the enormous amount of assistance and help in delivery and clearing / washing up, from all the lady supporters, which means all this side of things run like clockwork. Also thanks to Sue Smith for doing the bar and taking the pics and to Glynis Whatman for locking up. I’m now off for a Desperate lie Down, in a Darkened room and then later tonight, I have the choice of either the Domestos, or the Doritos? Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!!!

Page Last Updated on 9th Jun 2024