PARIBC Annual General Meeting (AGM)

CLUB AGM Wednesday 27th September 2023 AT 7PM

If you have read any of the many notices around the club (and I know there are a lot!) you will be aware that our club AGM is being held on Wednesday 27th September at 7pm.   Please make an effort to come along, join in, get involved and see how things are done.

The Directors and Officers of the club are elected by you on this night for the benefit of all members.   This is your chance to nominate the person of your choice or show your support for an existing Director/Officer.   Nomination forms are available from Becky Weller in the office and must be completed and returned by the 29th of August.  Similarly, please submit items to be discussed by this date.

So come on, don’t rest on your laurels, or think “I’ll let someone else do it”, put pen to paper and come along on the night.   Air your “moans and groans” or share any positive comments or suggestions you may have.   This is your club and your opportunity to make a difference, so make a note of the date in your diary now.


Glynis Whatman– Chairlady of Directors

Page Last Updated on 10th Aug 2023