PARIBC Potters (Norfolk) trip – December 2022.
Following the successful annual PARIBC Club tour to Potters, (Norfolk), back in April 2022 and as a result of the Club winning the Top Club Trophy for that week, “we”, were invited back, (no, no, of course it wasn’t free!), to play in the Champion of Champions comp., (as a rink grouping), for all the winners and Top Clubs, of the weekly bowls comps., that Potters run throughout the year. Those lucky / unlucky* enough, (*delete as appropriate!), to be drawn from the hat, from all who wanted to come, (and who had been on April tour), were as follows; Dave Sutherland, (and good lady Fran), Derrick Small, (and good lady Janet), Peter Edwards, (and good lady Julia) and old big ears himself! And also there, separately, on a bargain break, last minute dot com deal for the week, were Jean Lacey and Roy Baston, with Roy getting a game, for another team, due to players dropping out from aforementioned team.
On the green, (blue!), PARIBC had a mixed time. We were hammered big time in the first match, losing 07 – 24, to Nottingham IBC, then lost 05 – 12, to Doncaster IBC, drew 12 – 12 with Durham IBC and beat Horsham IBC by 09 – 08. All 4 PARIBC players will admit that they did not bowl as well as they know they could of, or got to grips with the weight and green, (blue!), of the International Arena, with the so called Club Captain in particular, having an absolute mare in all 4 games, (has he ever bowled before? It certainly didn’t look like it!). But to be fair, we were up against 4 teams of winners, from the various weekly events of the year and all were made up of couples, who play with each other, week in, week out and were bl**dy good bowlers! For the last game, we changed positions and Peter Edwards, debuted in the position of Skip, yes, I can’t believe it either, but he only went and led us to our only victory, (again, I know you are all in disbelief!), as he saved his very last 2 woods of the week, (and some would say, his only 2 good shots of the week…or is that just me saying it?!), to draw the 2 shots needed for victory, being 1 down on the last end, with 2 stunning shots. So well done Pete, but we won’t mention your efforts at ten pin bowling! Derick Small played lead throughout and had a reasonable week and a steady lead he is, whilst for Dave Sutherland, (our Skip for other 3 matches), we weren’t giving him much to bowl too, but he got us out of the mire on a few occasions. His best game, was in the drawn match, as everything he drew, (and also touched, wicked, cannoned off, etc.,), came off and was off to buy a lottery ticket, to see if his skill and luck still held. Unfortunately it didn’t, so he still needs his annual allowance from Fran! We also worked out, from game 3, that if the wives didn’t watch us, we did better, so they are now banned from all future matches! Meanwhile “holidaymaker” Roy and the team he was in, got through to the quarter finals of the comp. and so went the furthest of the lot, so well done to him and equally his chatting up of the ladies, in all the teams he played against, was noted! Rumour has it, that his daily morning massage and rub in with Voltarol Pain relief gel, (other gels are available!), from better half, Jean, are the secret to his success. Unfortunately we had to witness this each morning, as Jean ordered him to half strip at breakfast, got him to lie face down, on the table where we were sitting, in the main restaurant and start the process! I’m not sure why Dave, Derrick and Peter then formed an orderly queue, telling Jean, “we are next”?! Durham IBC, who we drew with and Desborough IBC, will contest the televised final, on the last day, of the World Bowls Championships, live from Potters, in January 2023.
Despite our relative poor showing, (bowls wise), I would like to think the good name of PARIBC was maintained and enhanced, both on and off the green, by the outgoing nature of all 9 of the tour party, in that we spoke and joined in and mixed with all and sundry and thus, once known, never forgotten. With the number of nods and one liners of, “all right, how you doing?!”, from others on site, increasing on a daily basis, which counts for a lot, to show our Club in a good light. The banter, (all given and taken in the right way), as well as the amount of laughter, started on arrival and didn’t stop till departure. So despite a no show on the bowls front, (Roy excepted!), off the green we had a superb time! We found a level of rudeness from the ladies, never seen before, with all 4 ladies, (prim and proper, I don’t think so?!), outdoing each other, with their sayings and thoughts, which meant that us, pure as the driven snow, gents, didn’t know where to hide our faces! We now know more than we should about, Janet’s apparent need for a plump cushion, Julia’s apparent light fingered touch when out on shopping escapades, Jean’s knowledge of what her i – pad does / doesn’t do, (check junk function!) and the apparent size of Fran’s dumplings and her need for an overcoat, when eating ice cream!!! There is much, much, more, but as I now fear for my life, I better leave it there. Dave and Fran, were the big winners at the “Val and Tony” bingo, (Hoy, Hoy!), although Fran has already spent the winnings on a new coat, as the fridge back home is full of Magnums!
Some of the above, may be a little enhanced and maybe, just maybe, exaggerated, but the memory goes, even at my youthful age, but hopefully you got a taste of what went on and also worth seeing the attached photo’s, below. All I can say, is roll on May 2023, when the next Club trip, to Potters, (Norfolk), takes place and anyone wanting to join us, then you are more than welcome to come along, as there are still places available!
Kind regards, a sad old man, sitting alone, in a packed bar, well into the early hours, with an Irish coffee or six! Anyone for an early morning swim?
Page Last Updated on 29th Dec 2022