Player Of The Season, (Winter 2022 / 23)


For the winter 2022 / 23 social match season, the Club had 27 scheduled matches, but 08 were cancelled and lost, (01 due to the weather, when snow closed the Club and the other 07, were down to Opposition clubs crying off, as they could not raise teams).  Of the 19 matches played, the Club won 15 matches and 04 matches were lost.  76 members played at least 01 match, with 21 members, playing 07 or more matches.  In the two, Player of the Season comps., (shots scored and shots difference – best 07 scores / shots, count), we had the same winner and runner up for both comps, namely Tim Fletcher and Glynis Whatman.  “Rigged!  What a fix?!”, I hear you cry…but no, all is above board and fair.  Honest!  The picture, (taken by Sue Smith), shows the winner and runner up, with the silverware.  As such, the top 05, for both comps., are listed below:-

SHOTS SCORED:- 1st = Tim Fletcher 198 / 44; 2nd = Glynis Whatman 180 / 32; 3rd = Maureen Osborne 176 / 40;  4th = Derrick Small 175 / 44; 5th = Dave Randall 171 / 32.

SHOTS DIFFERENCE:- 1st = Tim Fletcher 119 / 31; 2nd = Glynis Whatman 105 / 28; 3rd = Maureen Osborne 101 / 34; 4th = Dave Randall 97 / 24; 5th = Derrick Small 92 / 31.

(Note: First score shown is the total of the best 7 results, second score is the best individual result.)

Club Captain (left) and Club Chairman (right), proudly show off the silverware!

Page Last Updated on 14th Apr 2023