PARIBC Potters trip report and pictures = May 2024, (Fri 10/05/24 – Fri 17/05/24).
Just a brief report of the latest annual trip, of yet another superb and very successful week away, for PARIBC, at the Potters resort in Norfolk. At the end of the report, you will see a number of pics, which probably convey more, than the following blurb and my thanks go to Mick T Smith, Christine Heward and Tony Whitelock, for taking all of these. The latter, so engrossed in taking many a pic, so much so, that he forgot to get one of his team, whom he played with, during the week. The tour party, comprised 55 people, 47 bowlers, (see below) and 8 guests; June Cook, Jane Edwards, Julia Edwards, Vaughan Jones, Jackie Prankard, Robert Prankard, Gloria Smith and Fran Sutherland. 11 of the 55 people went for a 7 night break and the remaining 44 went for a 4 night break. All seemed to enjoy themselves, both on and perhaps more importantly, off the green and it seems that the good social nature of PARIBC, shone through all week, which counts for a lot, to show off the Club in the right way. Dealing with the bowling itself, PARIBC had 12 teams of 4’s, entered into the 52 team competition:-
(Unfortunately, we were one player short, for Team E, so Potters kindly allocated another holidaying bowler, to play in this team).
Team A = Roy Baston, Christine Heward, Tom Heward, Jean Lacey => P4, W3, D0, L0. = 3 pts.
Team B = Elaine Beard, Ray Ecclestone, Doug Whiteoak, Jo Whiteoak => P4, W3, D1, L0. = 3.5 pts.
Team C = Jeanne Bingham, Roger Bingham, Henry Longhurst, Patricia Longhurst => P4, W1, D1, L2. = 1.5 pts.
Team D = Marc Carr, Dave Elliott, Dot Elliott, Sue Smith => P4, W3, D0, L1. = 3 pts.
Team E = John Clayton, June Clayton, Reg Dee, Tim Fletcher => P4, W3, D0, L1. = 3 pts.
Team F = Sheila Collins, Bruce Robinson, Jan Robinson, Colin Talbot => P4, W3, D0, L1. = 3 pts.
Team G = Dave Cook, Val Cook, Mick Smith, Dave Sutherland => P4, W2, D2, L0. = 3 pts.
Team H = Phil Cook, Dave Price, Maureen Osborne, Glynis Whatman => P4, W2, D1, L0. = 2.5 pts.
Team I = Kevin Edwards, Patricia Wells, Deidre Williams, Mike Williams => P4, W2, D0, L2. = 2 pts.
Team J = Peter Edwards, Colin Lewing, Margaret Slipper, Tony Whitelock => P4, W2, D1, L1. = 2.5 pts.
Team K = Ray Garlick, Joy Gray, Ian Lucas, Mike R Smith => P4, W2, D0, L2. = 2 pts.
Team L = Gunnar Hreinsson, Shelia Matthews, Shirley Milton, Steve Timcke => P4, W3, D0, L1. = 3 pts.
From the guaranteed 4 matches, in the first round of the tournament, PARIBC manged to get 7 teams into the last 16 round, namely teams A, B, D, E, F, G and L, (teams H and J, just narrowly missing out). As seems usual, if one Club gets a lot of teams into the last 16 round, then to ensure that this one Club does not dominate the “final” stages, its teams are often paired to play each other. Thus in the last 16 round, teams B and D, along with teams E and G, had to play each other, resulting in close fought wins for teams D and E respectively. Of the other 3 PARIBC teams, team F also made it to the quarter finals stages, to give PARIBC a triple representation of teams, in the last eight. All battled well, but it was only team E, of the 3, who managed to prevail and reach the semi – finals, but this is where the PARIBC dream ended, as they succumbed and were well beaten by a strong team from Boston IBC, who would go on to be the outright and fully deserved winners, of the whole comp. So a very good showing by PARIBC yet again and made even better, by the fact that, as a whole, thanks to how well all 12 teams and all 48 players did, in all their first 4 matches, PARIBC won the Top Club Trophy and in the pictures below, you will see Prez. Dave Elliott collecting the trophy from Greg Harlow. The fines pot also did well out of the 10 or so, wrong biases, whilst perhaps the stand out match of the whole week, was one in the first round, between Team D and eventual overall winners Boston IBC, with even players from the other matches going on at the time, stopping to watch this riveting encounter, as each end saw the lead change hands, with some high class woods being bowled by players on both sides.
Away from the green, the more important aspects of the holiday and enjoyment, took place. Each day and night, there were numerous other activities to participate in, or alternatively, plenty of spaces to enjoy the mild and relatively dry weather, (we were lucky on that front) and relax, with a bit of peace and quiet. Most of the regular tourists were up to their usual antics, but as is normal, during our weeks away, one or two people stand out, or come to the fore for whatever reason, so some other notable and (dis)honourable mentions, (in no particular order), are as follows………Kevin Edwards, not only is he one of the best indoor and outdoor bowlers around, but we now learnt that he is a top knitter, (not quite in the same class as his lovely lady wife Jane), but he did reveal that in his youth, (now, how long ago was this?), he used to knit outfits for his Action Man figures! Don’t worry Kev, that secret is safe with us, we won’t tell anybody! Equally, although this week, his luck was out on the bowls green, on the last night, he did win the big flyer ticket, in the last bingo game of the week. Winning just under a four figure jackpot, never have you seen a man look as if he would internally combust, as he waited 14 numbers, before his winning number was eventually called out and then the nervous wait and pacing up and down, whilst the ticket was checked and double checked. But all was in order and congratulations were offered and generous to a tee, Kevin promised to buy us all a drink, (er…hang on, it’s all inclusive…he’s no fool is he?!). He also said that he would treat wife Jane to either a new drill, hammer and tool box, or a new lawn mower, spade and fork for the garden; she said, “new ear rings please”, so you can guess who won! Other big bingo winners during the week were Deidre Williams, June Clayton, Elaine Beard and Maureen Osborne. The latter, in normal mode, merrily chatting away, (think hind legs, donkeys, etc.!), nearly forgot she had won and had to rely on others to call out for her and then somehow managed to lose her ticket, between the winning call and the checking process. Cue panic and more chat, but all was resolved and after checking, many a penny was added to Maureen’s already overflowing purse. Meanwhile at the “Tony and Val” bingo, (Hoy, Hoy), Christine Heward, had a nice little win. So well done to all these winners, enjoy spending your dosh!
The numbers for the late night PARIBC social and drinking “crew”, gradually rose, as the week progressed and one particular enjoyable and memorable night, (that lasted well into the small hours!), saw Ray Ecclestone give a fine demonstration of how to handle ones drink, as he was drinking double doubles, whilst still being fully upright and holding many an articulate conversation, as the group put the world, (and PARIBC), to rights. It must be noted that Ray was the first down to breakfast the next day, bright as a button, ready for his team’s, last 16 round match. Warning to others, alcohol wise, then “No!”, you cannot compete with Ray, ho, ho! Also, each night, in the bar, we had small pockets of PARIBC members, dotted about, mixing at other tables, with other teams, who we played and fellow holiday makers, which was great to see. Notably Tony Whitelock, with the crowd from Boston, Ray Garlick and Joy Gray, (where the latter’s bowling prowess, amongst other things!), was turning the heads of the “old boys” from Bedford and Steve Timcke, extolling the virtue of Guinness and other alcoholic beverages, with the crowd from Luton! I think the few “first timers” on the trip, really enjoyed it and it must be noted that the smile never left the face of Dave Price all week, as he got involved in nearly every activity going and I don’t think he wanted to come home. If you wanted a chat, then Doug Whiteoak was your man, conversant and knowledgeable on many a varied topic and also supplying many a tit bit of goings on, of the tour party, but which I cannot use here, as I’m not rich enough to afford the lawyer I would need, if I published all the info! Doug and his good lady wife Jo, also did a collection for the local air ambulance charity, which raised a fine sum. Finally, the organiser enjoyed his usual, daily, very early morning walks along the beach, noting the many sea birds, (the feathered variety, not the all – female group of wild water swimmers, who met each morning, to swim in the sea!) and often crossed paths with Julia Edwards, also out for her usual morning stroll. When I say stroll, she was doing 30km each morning, before breakfast, just to get her steps in, so was in full fitness mode, hi tech gym wear and trainers on, ear pods in, phone in hand, striding along, in the zone. No doubt, topping up her fitness levels, before her summer stint in the PARIBC kitchen on a different sort of run, the weekly tea runs! And speaking of in the zone, was Phil Cook yet again, our best dressed man on site? His summer collection, once more, on full display for all to see. On the last night, the tour group kindly presented the organiser with a very posh and expensive time piece, as well as a couple of other gifts. This was certainly something very much appreciated, but very much undeserved, because as with all social bits we do, if people don’t support them, then they don’t happen, no matter how well / badly, they are organised. The watch will be worn, when aforementioned organiser, can guarantee not to knock / damage / break it, in his daily routine, as it seems he has done, with all previous watches! Thanks again, to those who took the pics and many thanks are also due to all those who drove and gave lifts to others, to / from Norfolk.
Thus looking ahead, hopefully next year’s thirteenth trip, won’t be unlucky for some, but will be just as enjoyable, rewarding and eventful, as the previous twelve, so look out for the notices that will soon appear on the noticeboards. And if you are interested in going, or just want to know any more information, then please speak with any of the people that have been in the previous years. They will tell it, as it is, so it won’t be all good and hopefully won’t be all bad, but will give you a more balanced view of the trip, (both good and bad points) , rather than all of the above. Everybody seems to mix and gel on the trips, you are not left on your own and we are a friendly bunch, even the miserable and grumpy old organiser, believe it or not! In terms of numbers taken each year, the figures are as follows:- In 2011 we took 35 people, in 2012 we took 52, in 2013 we took 57, in 2014 we took 64, in 2015 we took 67, in 2016 we took 68, in 2017 we took 79, in 2018 we took 58, in 2019 we took 28, in 2022 we took 36, in 2023 we took 49 and this year we took 55. So roll on 2025, when we hopefully do it all over again.
Kind regards, your correspondent,
The Thin Man.

Page Last Updated on 21st Jun 2024