Sun 07/01/24: Trevor Bishop Memorial Match = 139 v 152.
The new year was kicked off in the usual way, with the annual match in memory of Trevor Bishop. The day was its usual noisy and social success, with the biggest cheer of the day being heard, when it was announced that the Club Captain wouldn’t be able to attend! The success of the day was in no small part, thanks to all the hard work and efforts in the pre match planning and organisation, put in by Sue Smith and Marc Carr, which resulted in a superb turn out 48 players, for an 8 rinks of triples, match. 3 members the “OGC”, (“Old Girls Collective”), namely, Julia Edwards, Gloria Smith and Fran Sutherland were in their usual chitter / chatter supporter seats and they were joined by Lesley Clark, who it was nice to see, pop in for the afternoon. Our other guest, William Longley, decided this was not for him, (and we don’t blame you!), as he sat a few rows away, proudly watching his Gran, Rosemary, bowl. With the teams evenly matched, a close game played out, as on the day, the away team managed to just about win by about 10 or so shots, but on checking the cards, it seems that the match was a draw. Especially when it was found that the rink of Tom Heward v. Roy Baston, played 19 ends. Talk about getting value for money! But all seemed to enjoy the afternoon and that is what it what it was all about. Top rink were Janice Hatcher, Mike R Smith and Derrick Small, and they were duly presented with a bottle of wine each, courtesy of Sue Smith. So well done to them, but unfortunately for all, these scores don’t count towards Player Of The Season, so no counting of chickens just yet! Did somebody cry fowl?! Please see the attached pics, of the day and the presentation of the Trevor Bishop Trophy.
A few things noted from the day………
There were wrong biases from Bill Duncan, Tom Heward, Julia Larini and Rosemary Longley, with all 4, duly paying their fines.
Irene Ashby was overheard saying to Henry Longhurst’s good lady wife, Patricia, that “she thought Henry was going to knock her up” Henry was last seen making a quick exit from Pat, who had a wood in each hand, at the time! Probably better for Irene to have said that she was hoping Henry would have “turned her, (wood), over”. But then again, thinking about it, maybe not! Henry is now out of A&E and off to Potters, for a week’s recovery, watching the Bowls World Championships. Get well soon old chap!
Janice Hatcher, it seems featured twice, in that initially she had a sneezing fit on the green, forcing Mike R Smith to declare the area a covid exclusion zone and hand out masks for all. And then when bowling, for every wood she put up, Janice kept waving her arms in furious motion and shouting “Come on, come on”?! Don’t worry girl, only a couple of months to go till Cheltenham and then the Grand National in April!
New members Joy Gray and Ray Garlick were welcomed into the fold and both seemed to enjoy the afternoon, hopefully not put off too much, that they won’t put their names down for future matches.
Once the match was finished, then the police closed the road, from the Club to Chatham, to all other traffic, apart from Maureen Osborne, (rally cross driver of the year, 2024), to allow her a clear drive home. All bollards, on all junctions, had been dismantled, to avoid them being knocked over.
The raffle raised just under £250.00 for the charity, so thanks to all who bought tickets, with Sue kindly donating a percentage to the Club’s coffers. The big winner in the raffle was Colin “lucky” Briggs, who was off to buy a lottery ticket and check the underside of his shoes. Well done Colin!
President Dave Elliott did the honours by introducing the day and match and then doing the post – match speeches, using the new PA system. He thanked all those whose efforts and hard work, over the year, a lot of it unseen, but yet is in the public eye, (i.e. taken for granted), has ensured the Club has been kept on an even keel and continued to thrive. So huge thanks go to those who have continued to support and crack on with all the DIY tasks required, namely and in no particular order, Dave Risbridger, John Carr, Dave Cook, Trevor Hill and Mick Day, Trevor Hill was also singled out for his unstinting work, on getting the solar panels installed and working and saving the Club a lot on bills. To all the numerous ladies and gents who help with the volunteer catering throughout the year. His far better half, Dot (Elliott), for all her work with the raffles and money making schemes, that bring in much needed revenue for the Club coffers. Also to Albert Marshall and Bob Blood for their wood working skills, that have resulted in the new pen boxes and raffle boxes, that are now in use. He apologised if he had missed anybody, but said that all those who volunteer, with their time and effort are the true heroes in keeping the Club being a success. He did forget to mention the work he, himself puts in, i.e. covering the match boards and mounting the new woods markers discs, so I shall add that as foot note here and embarrass him, in the process. Thanks were also given to the girls in the kitchen for the fine meal today and to Katie Hilder, for doing the bar.
It was very appropriate then, that the Prez did all the speeches using the new PA system, as the winners of the Trevor Bishop Trophy for this year, were the four gents who not only did all the work on getting the PA system back up and running, but all four of them, were the workforce behind the big job of the installation and update of the Club’s CCTV system. This involved running numerous cables the length and breadth of the Club, through the roof space, above the ceiling panels and putting up the cameras and their protection boxes, on the exterior walls and then all the technical wizardry with the electronics in the offices, that make the things work. So well done to, in alphabetical order, Dave Cook, Tim Fletcher, Mick T Smith and Dave Sutherland, who were worthy winners indeed. As per when they were working, foreman, Mick, passed on doing any work and wouldn’t make a speech, Dave S., was going to say a few words, but thought better of it, whilst Dave C., was just glad that the trophy didn’t come with any cable attached, coz him and cable, is not his forte! Well done chaps fully deserved. Sue added her thanks to all who had turned out, to make the day yet another success and said Trevor would be probably be wondering what all the fuss was about and embarrassed about it all.
Kind regards, an ex – Club Captain and Billy – No – Mates, sitting alone, in a hotel room, in Torquay! *********

All the assembled players for Trev’s Match – almost

Talk about an open head! Covid may be over, but PARIBC bowlers still social distancing with their woods, in relation to where the jack is!

Marc Carr and Sonia Bignell share a joke at the tea break! Just behind them, Gill Hill, Lesley Clark and Pam Fincher, check that Peter Edwards has got his woods and shoes!

On the left, we see the back of the heads of Dave Elliott, Sonia Bignell and Colin “Lucky” Briggs, watching the game conclude, whilst on the right, the members of the “OGC”, Fran Sutherland, Gloria Smith and Julia Edwards, are in full flow, still going strong, after 5 hours! As Queen once sang…”Don’t stop me now”!

The scores of the doors!

Sue Smith handing out the Top Rink prizes. Mike R Smith looks happy, Maurice Williams looks disappointed, whilst Gio Larini ponders what might have been!

By now Mike R Smith is very desperate to see what he has won, whilst Rosemary Longley gets her raffle tickets ready, unaware that Colin “Lucky” Briggs, is in the building!

The 3 deserved winners, receiving the Trevor Bishop Trophy from Sue Smith, left to right:- Dave Cook, Dave Sutherland and Mick T Smith…the serious pose!

The 3 deserved winners, receiving the Trevor Bishop Trophy from Sue Smith, left to right:- Dave Cook, Dave Sutherland and Mick T Smith…the happy pose!
Page Last Updated on 15th Jan 2024