On Sun 22/04/18, the PARIBC President’s side, (heavily loaded or what?!), beat the PARIBC Captain’s side by 76 shots, (180 – 104), in an 8 triples / rinks meal match and in doing so, regained the Life Presidents Trophy and the scores on the doors for each rink were as follows, (P = President’s teams first followed by, C = Captain’s teams scores):-

Rink 1 P – Ron Jordan, Harry Martin, Malcolm Clark = 19 / C – Alex Routen, Tim Fletcher, Linda Hoare = 11
Rink 2 P – Sue Smith, Glynis Whatman, Graham Hubbard, Eric Clive = 22 / C – Gill Hill, Sue Whittaker, Joe Major, Babs Tomlin = 18
Rink 3 P – Mick Smith, Maureen Osborne, Ron Lawrenson, Dot Elliott = 31 / C – Viv Brightman, Trevor Hill, Dave Cook, Lynette Stock = 08
Rink 4 P – Jim Masters, Roy Baston, Kevin Farrell = 13 / C – Janet Thompson, Derrick Small, Barry Tomlin = 14
Rink 5 P – Doreen Langley, Ray Webster, Tom Heward = 20 / C – Christine Heward, Pearl Turner Giles, John Langley = 13
Rink 6 P – Lesley Clark, Tony Jewell, Patrick O’Meara, Normal Bushell = 35 (Top Prez rink) / C – Val Cook, Jean Lacey, Vic Jordan = 07
Rink 7 P – Margaret Jordan, Dave Green, Margaret Head = 26 / C – Fred Martineau, Val Green, Dave Hood = 12
Rink 8 P – Irene Ashby, Terry Marsh, Dave Elliott = 14 / C – Dave Bushell, Dave Clare, Dave Sutherland = 21 (Top Capt rink)
Another enjoyable and noisy afternoon panned out as the winter season was brought to a close. On rink 1, the triple representing the Prez’s side all bowled very well and accurately in their victory and it didn’t help that Linda had a bad cold, which meant that she had more of a runny nose, than running woods, box of hankies anyone? Rink 2 was all about flowers and hair care products, as Graham wanted to know all the info from gardener Joe and the ladies, rather than who was holding shot and when Eric threw down 2 wrong biases in a row, bowls took a back seat! Rink 3 saw the rink representing the Capt’s side, take a bit of a pasting in terms of bowling and talking! On rink 4, the dodgy builder and rogue trader, now known as JOE Farrell, a rich man, after his huge win at the bookies on Sat in the Scottish Grand National, courtesy of a tip from an unnamed source, (who he still hasn’t thanked!), lost by 1 shot to the outgoing Club captain playing his last game for PARIBC. Rink 5 was all about style, grace and elegance, (ladies) and a general throw back to the good old days of bowls, (men)! Rink 6 saw stormin Norm lead his side to a massive, stonking victory and this rink also saw wrong biases bowled by Vic and Patrick No’Hairo as Jim called him! On rink 7, the 2 Madge’s team had an easy victory over the bread maker’s side, who all lost the will to live after Hovis went into the story of losing his phone overnight! And on rink 8, Dave was the order of the day, as Dave the Hat beat Dave the Chairman, with some other Dave’s looking on in the background!
Many thanks to all who chipped into the Club’s birthday loose change pot, in the various raffles and spiders that were run. Yes, yes, yes, we all know the organizer is a huge pain in the behind always asking for dosh, etc., but next year, you, the PARIBC members will get a chance to win back all the monies collected. So the more in the pot, the bigger the pay out. And perhaps a bit of justice or is it karma, as Terry “Not another bl**dy spider, I hate ‘em!” Marsh, only went and won the last spider of the day, run under normal rules! The guess the number of sweets in a jar was won by Jean Lacey, which drew the biggest smile of the day from her other half Roy Baston, as now, he not only doesn’t have to get her flowers, he doesn’t have to buy her any sweets either! Top result said a brave Roy as he left, but remembered to check the car to see that Jean was in it, before exiting the car park!
Many thanks Nicola, Adrian and boys / girls in the kitchen for the food and to Katie for doing the bar. Thanks also to Fran, Gloria, Janet and Shirley, for their support and for being good sports by taking part in the spider, along with top kitchen floor cleaner, Adrian. And after my superb efforts at hoovering the restaurant carpet on Sat, you can now eat your dinner off both surfaces, they are that clean! We know our place!
And that is it, another winter season done and dusted as the rain falls, it must now be summer! Thanks to all who have played and supported the Club both on and off the green during the winter season, in all its facets. Too many to mention, but your efforts have been appreciated. We look forward to reading the match reports from new summer captain Eric Clive, who apparently writes them on the back of a fag packet and then next winter season, we look forward to reading the match reports to be written by the new Club captain, Linda Hoare. Make sure your spelling is korekt, to make website manager Malcom’s job easier!
If you are off to Potters with Club next week, have a great time, but don’t forget my postcard and pressie! Enjoy your summer bowling indoors and / or outdoors and all the very best to the PARIBC for the future. It has been a blast, I love you all, but, Sevenoaks IBC, here I come!
Kind regards, your correspondent, a man with nothing more left to say. “Hurrah” they all cry!!!
Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021