Please see pics below of the volunteers, prior to starting work on the job of changing all the 600 plus, light tubes at the Club. As you can see, the portable scaffolding tower is in place and the light tubes are laid out, ready to be fitted. Foreman Dave Hood keeps the workers in check and acts as a counter balance to the weight of squaddie Dean Carpenter, up top, to stop the scaffolding tower turning over! This was Dean’s first taste of working life, as he prepares for civvy street and he may be regretting his decision to retire early from the army! Meanwhile, Graham Hubbard wondered if he could get any material out of this for his long awaited newsletter! Dave Cook got a blister on his finger from having to turn the lights on and off, every minute or so, but was also on standby, ready to act, in case any squirrels were found in the roof space, as Tim Fletcher struggled to work out how a hoover is meant to work! Following the photo call, the hard working bunch, donned the necessary safety gear and PPE and the work began in earnest.
Well done chaps! All your hard work and effort is very much appreciated by the Club!
Talk about working in the dark! Using suction to keep upright? The HERO or the only one capable of climbing up the scaffolding!!! Someone has to keep an eye on things! Guess who is the BOSS! The finger on the Light Switches
Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021