First a special thanks to all the members that wished us good luck before we left.
We were allowed a practice session on the portable rink on the Sat eve. Strangely the pace was very similar to our green which made us feel at home. On the Sunday we were announced onto the green just like the professionals, only trouble was we were called Acle, so it had to be done twice. We had a marker and umpire and the game was shown on a large screen to the side of the rink.
Everyone was bowling well but after 5 ends we were 2-4 down. Then Chris and Sylvia built a good head for us and Acle tried to get close but failed, then Kevin added to the head so that we were holding 3 shots. the Acle skip (Jenny ) tried to run at the head and missed twice. On my last bowl I was able to draw a 4th to lead 6-4. From there we went on to win 8-4. The game went so quick that I didn’t realise we had won until I saw the others shaking hands with the players from Acle. ( by the way, Acle were not last years winners).
The atmosphere was fantastic with well over a 100 people that came in to watch. We had one special supporter. His name is George Ridgeon. He is a severely disabled ex Fireman from Gloucester. Back in the early days of Prince Arthur we used to have an Open Triples Competition that ran all over the Easter weekends, and George came all the way from Gloucester to play in it one year. So on the Sat during one of the Semi Finals I met him and reminded him of that time. So on the Sunday morning he was there almost like a cheerleader for us.
The amount of people that congratulated us after the game was amazing, they would stop us in the bar or restaurant and have a chat and say well done.
We would like to thank Jane Edwards and Kath Day for their support. Also John and Bernie Mercer who sat through every game whilst they were there.
Special thanks to John for taking a Video of the game which hopefully will be on the website soon.
Following the Club’s trip to Potters in May, two teams, Lesley and Malcolm Clark, Babs and Barry Tomlin, Chris & Sylvia Day, Kevin Edwards and Mick Day were invited back to play in the Champion of Champions Tournament in the week of 18th to 22nd December 2017. Also invited back were Chris and Tom Heward, Jean Lacey and Roy Baston who qualified in February 2017.
Unfortunately Babs and Barry Tomlin were unable to get time off to go back to Potters so Dave and Dot Elliott took their places. There were approximately 34 teams taking part so it was a strong competition.
The bowling format was very similar to that which the regular Prince Arthur visitors experience in their April/May trip. The difference being that the Finals take place at the World Championships. The rest of the Champion of Champions visit had all the usual components of Bingo, Dancing, Quizzes, Shows etc.. Being near Christmas there was Carol Singing by a guests choir organised by Rachel and the Potter’s Christmas Show. The Giant Swing was in operation for the brave cold visitors and there Segway sessions as well.
Bowling took place on both the International and Bowler’s Bar greens.
After the initial 4 games played Dot Elliott’s team just missed making the last 16, however, Tom Heward’s team having won 3 and lost 1 made it through, as did Mick Day’s team, having won 3 and drawn 1.
Both Teams did very well winning their last 16 and quarter final games.
In the semi-finals both PARIBC teams were paired together to play against each other. (Not sure if this was to make sure one Prince Arthur team reached the Final or to make sure it wasn’t an all Prince Arthur Final.)
The resulting match was a cliff hanger all the way to the 8th and last end with both teams able to win the match. Tom’s team were winning the end promising another deciding end when Kevin (the Destroyer) came in with his last wood and moved the jack back. Despite Tom’s prowess with running woods he was unable to rectify the situation and his team lost!
Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021