On Sat 20/07/19, the annual PARIBC Summer Tournament took place, run by the indomitable force that is David Hood, played under his unfathomable rules, which are neither written down, nor can be found in any book on bowls, but contained solely in the bonce of the aforementioned big man. Following many a drop out, there was still a fine turn out of 49 hardy souls, split into 16 teams, who played a round robin type triples comp. of 3 rounds, which then led to the semi finals and the final. The two losing semi finalists, who only just lost in 2 very close games, were made up of Lawrence Peach, Dave Adams and Patrick O’Meara along with Gill Hill, Dave Green and Dave Cook. In the final itself, the triple of Val Green, Harry Martin and Linda Hoare, who had won all their games to date, never really got going and succumbed to the triple of Val Hart, Tim Fletcher and Derrick Small, who thanks to some good woods and a slice of luck, managed to nil their opponents to take the trophy, in front of an appreciative crowd. Having said that, in the winners triple, Val Hart played superbly all day, just backing up what a steady, consistent, good lead she is and the skip Derrick Small, (having a day off from KLIBA Prez chauffeuring duties), also proved his mettle with some fine drawn woods. Derrick, also went against, (which proved correct), all the advice his, late stand in, poor number two, (who only had 2 good woods all day), gave him, to go his own way and bowl very well. The smile, (and pride), from Janet, Del Boy’s good lady, said it all as he lifted the winners trophy. Pics hopefully soon to be on gallery page.
Thus thanks to all members who turned out and supported the day and huge thanks go to Dot and Dave Elliott for the superb buffet lunch and all the assistance given by the ladies from the “Old Girls Collective”, Julie Edwards, Janet Small, Gloria Smith and Fran Sutherland, who were on kitchen duty all day and thanks to Sue Smith on bar duties. A brilliant job done by you all and very much appreciated by the masses.
But main thanks go to Dave Hood, himself, for his organization of yet another successful and enjoyable Summer Tournament, that also put nearly £500 into the PARIBC club coffers. The Big Man’s multi-coloured 6ft by 8ft matrix chart, showing matches to be played, results and points, is a work of art, that only he understands. The most high powered brains from Cambridge and Oxford universities have tried over the years to fathom out his scribblings, but even they cannot break his code, let alone work out all the permutations, so what chance do us mere mortals have? What is easier to understand is the 2 wrong biases bowled by Barry Bushell and Dave Green, who contributed their fines to the Birthday pot.
Kind regards, your correspondent, just having a glass or three of his hard earned, but thoroughly deserved, winners wine!
The photos below show the top teams who were all drawn out of a hat.

In 2nd Place

Runners Up

Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021