This Match is played annually in memory of the late Trevor Bishop,
and pits the Chairman’s Team against the Club Captain’s Team each Winter Season.
The players are selected by the Chairman and Club Captain.
Trev’s Match – PARIBC “home” = 140 v PARIBC “away” = 177 – Sunday 06/01/19.
On Sunday 06/01/19, “Trev’s Match”, the memorial game, in memory of Trevor Bishop, was played for the third year, with the Club Chairman’s “home” team losing out to the Club Captain’s “away” team by 37 shots, (140 – 177), in this 8 mixed rinks, social meal match. The usual fine turn out by PARIBC members and supporters meant another enjoyable day was had by all, as the noise and humour levels were ramped up, as the afternoon progressed and ensured that the Club had a good start to the New Year. Anyway, the scores on the doors, as if they matter, were as follows, with the Chairman’s team players and scores shown first and the Captain’s team players and scores shown second
Rink 1 = Dave Clare, John Sheepwash, Vic Jordan, Graham Hubbard LOST to Irene Ashby, Val Green, Rose Gibson, Kevin Farrell = 05 – 39 (Top Captain’s Rink)
Rink 2 = Jill Mackins, Dave Bushell, Sonia Bignall, Keith Sheepwash LOST to Alan Head, Jean Lacey, Tom Heward, John Langley = 22 – 25
Rink 3 = Margaret Jordan, Sue Whitaker, Norman Bushell, Trevor Hill LOST to Jim Masters, Maureen Osborne, Roy Baston, Dave Sutherland = 13 – 27
Rink 4 = Sue Smith, Brian Rance, Sylvia Day, Dave Elliott LOST to Christine Heward, George Hattrill, Dot Elliott, Linda Hoare = 22 – 24
Rink 5 = Christopher Day, Val Cook, Dennis Booth, Lynette Stock BEAT Lynn Korff, Viv Brightman, Dave Cook, Eric Clive = 33 – 13 (Top Chairman’s rink)
Rink 6 = Sue Moreton, Bet Metcalf, Jim Coleman LOST to Rob Hall, Gill Hill, Pat O’Meara = 13 – 21
Rink 7 = Doreen Langley, Phil Cook, Margaret Head, Kevin Edwards BEAT Dave Brown, Dave Green, Mick Fisher, Allan Buchan = 18 – 12
Rink 8 = Alex Routen, Derrick Small, Tim Fletcher, Malcolm Clark LOST to Lesley Clark, Lawrence Peach, Glynis Whatman, Dave Hood = 14 – 16
A couple of no shows on the day led to rink 6 having to play as a triples rink, so thanks to all on this rink for accommodating this last minute change. The one sidedness of rink 1 in favour of the away team, was matched by that for the home team on rink 5. Rinks 2, 4 and 8 were nip and tuck all the way and were all decided on the last ends. Rinks 3 and 6 were comfortable wins for the away side, although the come back by the home side on rink 6, was causing the away skip to panic a bit, whilst rink 7 went the way of the home side, in a close fought game.
As usual any rink, (1), featuring builder Kevin Farrell, (don’t mention my roof!), was going to be the loudest, but there was plenty of noise and good humoured banter coming from all rinks, whilst any rink (1), featuring the hair of “Old Mother”, was going to be the most stylish! On rink 2, Mrs B. was back to being seen most ends, in her usual, bent over, bottom out, measuring pose On rink 3, they were all trying to tap up “The Voice”, now that she has been listed as being one of the top 5 richest ladies in Kent, following her consistent big monetary wins in the Club’s monthly 100 draw. The family affair on rink 4, ended as it always does at home, with Mrs Elliott being in the right, regardless and coming out on top and this was matched on rink 5, as Mrs Squirrel also ended up with the bragging rights after today’s match! And the hat trick of family wins was completed on rink 6, as the son, (in law), did everything in his power to stay in the good books of his mother in law. On rink 7, even with a broken toe, (sustained apparently when he dropped his wallet on it!), the home skip showed his class, but was grateful to his team mates, who played out of their skins to help beat the Oppo, led by the Club’s overseas player. Rink 8, saw some of the best heads ever, with perhaps the pick of the players, being Lawrence Peach, who could do no wrong, as each player, matched their opponent, shot for shot. And yes, Derrick Small’s woods are pink in colour! Unfortunately the home skip Malcolm Clark, has been having shoulder problems and a such, is on a shed full, daily dose of drugs that is currently boosting the profits of his local chemists. The effects meant that at time he was struggling on the long jacks, although his far better half Lesley, said that he had struggled to get it up for a while! We left that one there and changed the subject to talk about why the Oppo skip on this rink, “The Beast”, was constantly using his new bowls lifter, as a riding crop! This topic also received short shrift and we moved on to talk about the weather! There were wrong biases for Dennis Booth, Eric Clive, Sue Smith and Glynis Whatman, with their fines duly paid and put in the 30th Birthday fund. Sue Smith thanked all members for their generous support of the raffle, the proceeds from which raised just over £160 and Sue said this would be going to the Prostate cancer charity, with a small donation going towards the Club. It must be noted that the broken toed star, was very pleased to win the massive sweets machine at the end, the contents of which we believe he started eating on the journey home!
When Trevor Bishop was alive, he was very much a club man at heart and putting the Club first was high on his agenda, with matters both on and perhaps even more so, off the green. As such, his good lady, Sue Smith said she wanted something that would reflect this and felt it appropriate that there be a new trophy to recognise and reward the contribution of a person and / or persons, for their hard work and efforts in ensuring that the Club continues to thrive and prosper, both on and off the green. Thus the “Trevor Bishop Memorial Trophy” is to be an annual award for the Club member(s) of the year. Each year’s recipient(s), to be decided by the Directors, (taking into account the views of the members) and the winner and / or winners name(s), will be engraved on the trophy for posterity. It may mean that the same person and / or persons, “win” the trophy for years in a row, which is not a problem, but equally it is not to be seen as, “something to be awarded, just because we have another trophy to give away”!

In this pic, we have to ask if the surprised reaction on the face of the young, good looking, gorgeous, winner
has anything to do with where the left arm and left hand of the older lady, namely Miss Smifffffffff are???!!!
The expressions of Trevor Hill, Dave Sutherland and Roy Baston, who can see what is happening, say it all, ho, ho!
Comments from the man himself!!
After Sue Smith herself, was the inaugural winner of the trophy last year, this year’s winner was Tim Fletcher, although like a lot of the elections in these third world countries, the result has been questioned and a re – count of the votes has been requested! Mr Fletcher’s acceptance speech lasted well into the night, by which time the Club had emptied and he was just talking to himself! But in all seriousness, he was very chuffed and honoured to be awarded the trophy and recognized in this way by the Club and the members, although being the usual pain in the behind, he feels that he does no more than many other members at the club, to ensure that the club prospers and the good name of the club is promoted. As such, off the top of his head, he cited 3 other deserving examples, on the green, the Days / Edwards exploits at Potters in winning the Champion of Champions tournament and getting PARIBC on the TV, whilst off the green the hard work of the volunteers who manned and did the kitchen run, during the whole of the summer season cannot be underestimated. Equally the recent efforts of messrs. Hubbard and Tuft in opening the club during the Chrimbo break and the income that that brought in, has to be applauded. And that is without mentioning the usual unsung “heroes”, who do their bit on a day to day basis to keep the Club going. But Mr Fletcher was very pleased to win this prestigious trophy and this was very evident in the huge smile, that stretched from (big) ear to (big) ear, that never left his face all night! As was noted last year, Sue said that Trev would be looking down, laughing along with all those at the match that had just gone and wondering what all the fuss was about, but be very proud that the members were continuing to support and push the club forward in the right direction!
Thanks to Nicola, Adrian, (top champion golfer!) and boys / girls in the kitchen for the food and Katie for bar duties. Thanks are also due to the usual groupies, Foggy and Clegg, namely Janet Small and Fran Sutherland and the good ladies of Messrs Coleman and Farrell, as well as Steve Metcalf and John Hall for their support.
Kind regards, your correspondent, just off to write out and post another 133 top member slips, voting for himself!
A plethora of pics from the day starting with the match play (Ed)
Waiting at the Bishop’s Bar for play to finish
The presentation to Fletch the Thin Man
Finally some of the many group pics taken hopefully everybody is included somewhere!
Page Last Updated on 15th Mar 2021