Upgrade and enhancement of the Club’s CCTV system.
For the eagle eyed amongst you, then you may have noticed the 3 new CCTV camera’s that have gone up, inside the Club, above the seated areas, at the bar end? And the even more vigilant of you, may have noticed the 2 new cameras, on the outside wall, above the main entrance? I doubt though that many, if anybody, will have noticed the 3 new cameras, that are now located on the outside back wall of the Club and down the outside, (side), wall, that faces the Black Lion leisure centre?
This is all the result of a lot of hard work by Mick T Smith, Dave Sutherland, Dave Cook and a YTS tea boy, during the months of June – August. Mick volunteered to manage a project looking into the Club’s current security camera situation, (both internal and external) and offer ways that it could be improved and enhanced. Ably backed up by the non – stop efforts and graft of the 2 Dave’s, this has meant these 3 gents, installing the cameras, running cables the whole length of the Club, through the roof space and the tech. bit in the office, etc., etc., to provide an up to date system, covering the Club, in terms of security, on all entrances / exits and around the outside of the Club, as well as the car park area. Whilst accepting that the ongoing problems of kids on the roof and the graffiti attacks on the outside walls, is like the Club fighting a losing battle, it is hoped that this will now be even more of a deterrent, to try and combat this antisocial behaviour. And on the plus side, the internal camera, covering the fire exits, at the ends of rinks 01 and 08, will also provide video proof, of any wrong biases bowled!!!
But on serious note, all this hard work done by Mick, Dave C. and Dave S., as well as the ongoing hard work put in on the re – decoration of the whole Club, by Dave Risbridger, John Carr, Trevor Hill, et al, is all “unseen” work, that is very much visible and in the public eye, but is sadly just taken for granted. So the Club owes a huge debt of thanks to these volunteers, (as well as the other volunteers, doing other jobs for the Club), for all their time, hard work and effort, that they have all put in, on behalf of the Club. Your efforts are appreciated!
Page Last Updated on 31st Jul 2023