Player Of The Season, (Winter 2023/24)


For the winter 2023 / 24 social match season, the Club had 24 scheduled matches, all were played, with no cancellations, resulting in 18 matches won and 06 matches lost.  76 members played at least 01 match, with 23 members, playing 06 or more matches.  Alongside these matches, the Club also played the usual, annual memorial matches for Vic Ashby, Trevor Bishop and Jim Masters.  In the two, Player of the Season comps., (shots scored and shots difference – best 06 scores / shots, count), once again, the winner and runner up for both comps, were the same players, namely Heather Allan and Margaret Head, so well done to these top two lady bowlers.   Heather now matching the achievements of her other half, Fred Linger, from a couple of seasons ago, meaning that she now has the bragging rights, for at least another 12 months!  The pictures below, (kindly taken by Fred Linger), show a very happy winner, proudly clutching the two trophies and also, both ladies, very smiley, showing off the spoils.  As such, the top 05, for both comps., are listed below:-

SHOTS SCORED:- 01st = Heather Allan 197 / 44; 02nd = Margaret Head 172 / 32; 03rd = Derrick Small 169 / 32;  04th = Robert Bromley 164 / 31; 05th = Dot Elliott 162 / 35.

SHOTS DIFFERENCE:- 01st = Heather Allan 143 / 37; 02nd = Margaret Head 115 / 28; 03rd = Derrick Small 108 / 28; 04th equal = Christine Heward 96 / 35 & Marc Carr 96 / 24.

(Note: First score shown is the total of the best 06 results, second score is the best individual result.)


Heather Allan winner of both comps.  (Pic taken by Fred Linger – 30/03/24)
Winner and runner up in both comps., Heather Allan, (left) and Margaret Head, (right), with trophies.  (Pic taken by Fred Linger – 30/04/24)

Page Last Updated on 22nd Apr 2024